Blend Accordingly

I used fresh lime juice on my face – This happened!

I used fresh lemon juice this summer on some hyperpigmentation and active acne. It worked better than ACV did at reducing red marks. The first few times I used it I was in awe. So I started using it morning and night which I think might have made things worse, I’m not too sure. I got a minor break out on my left cheek. But it improved  with just using it once a day. Thats just me though. Its not a miracle but I don’t think I could go without it now. My skin is also incredibly soft since using it and a nice tone

With all the information out there about the health benefits of lemons, have you ever wondered about the benefits of using limes? While many of us use limes when cooking and think of them as ‘lemon’s best friend,’ you may not realize that limes are quite the powerhouse when it comes to skincare.

Limes are dripping with antioxidants like vitamin C, which will help protect your skin against free radicals (these are responsible for illness and aging). To take advantage of the various benefits of lime, you can drink lime water or apply lime topically to your skin.


 Acne can seem like a problem that only teenagers have, but that’s just because not many people talk about the acne that pops up as you age. Anything from environmental triggers to hormonal fluctuations can cause an embarrassing, and unexpected breakouts. Lime has antibacterial properties that can help. This is because more often than not acne is caused by bacteria growth on the skin which gets into your pores and causes inflammation leading to sore, red blemishes. Acne leaves the dark spots on the skin and that´s when the thought of applying different skincare products comes in. But before thinking of buying those expensive luxury products and spending a fortune on them, I always first thing of what kind of fruits and vegetables I have in my kitchen at the moment. I then walk there, pick a fruit(Lime) and use it on my face. I picked a lime that day and never regretted that.

Treats Dark Spots. If you struggle with dark spots on your skin, you may be able to use lime topically to lighten them. Like with most citrus fruits, lime juice is a natural bleaching agent and can help to lighten skin.A squirt of lime juice on an acne scar, or any hyperpigmentation, is said to lighten the blemish. Lowest-risk scenario: You’ll feel a sting and maybe reap the benefits of a little fruit juice exfoliation.

Reduces the signs of aging. Aging is natural, however, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to slow down the physical effects of aging. Limes are one of the best natural ways to promote youthful skin. Vitamin C found in limes nourishes skin cells inside and out and can even help fight signs of skin aging. Using lime products directly on your skin can help with reducing the appearance of aging. Additionally, ingesting lime by drinking lime water can benefit your skin from the inside-out by adding antioxidants to your body which can protect you against free radicals which lead to tissue damage and signs of aging. Topical and internal use of limes can promote a fresh, youthful complexion.

Our skin sheds layers regularly and underneath that dead skin is brighter, glowing skin. Especially as we age, we want to be able to reveal that bright, youthful skin and help to slough away that old layer of skin. While dead skin will eventually come off naturally, you can speed up the process by using limes. The citric acid contained in citrus fruit can help to remove those dead skin cells that may be lingering around. This will not only reveal the new skin beneath, but it will also prevent the old skin cells from sticking around and clogging up your pores causing blemishes.

I use Lemon juice on my face at night. First, I wash my face with clean and clear facial wash. After my shower, I cut a lemon and squeeze the juice from it and rub it on my face. Next, I put real African Shea butter on my face and leave it all on overnight. I rinse off my face in the morning. This will make your skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom and it will look fabulous. To use lime juice for treating dark spots you can apply freshly squeezed lime juice on your dark spots with a q-tip or a cotton ball and let it sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing off.

There are so many benefits to using lime for your skin. Adding some freshly squeezed lime to your water will give you many of the benefits lime has to offer including vitamins and minerals essential to the body.

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Princes Arinaimwe

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